10 Myths I Hear as an OBGYN

As an OB-GYN, I have come across several myths that my patients share with me either in person or I have seen through social media. It’s always surprising to see how many people believe in these things. But, that’s why I am here, to clear the air! I figured it would be fun to put together a list of the most commonly heard myths and deep dive into each one.

I’ve already uploaded a detailed video about the top 10 myths I hear on my YouTube channel. So if you are interested in learning more you can find the video HERE.

Now, let’s debunk some myths!

  1. You can’t get pregnant in a hot tub:
    I feel like I’ve heard this since I was in high school because people used to say the hot water of the hot tub “kills sperm”. Let me tell you, sperm will always find a way. Remember that they are resilient little swimmers. If you aren’t using protection and the sperm enters the female reproductive tract, then it’s fair game.
  2. IUDs cause infertility: Women come to me with this one all the time and it’s just not true! IUDs are a safe form of birth control, and they’re very reliable. There has been no association between infertility and the use of IUDs. Take me for example, I got pregnant right after (and I mean right after) taking my IUD out!
  3. The position in which you have sex determines the gender of your baby: This is something that I just had a conversation with one of my close friends because she really thought that this was true. What actually determines the gender of the baby is the sperm. To explain it a little further, males can donate either an X-chromosome or a Y-chromosome and females can only donate an X-chromosome. Essentially, what determines the sex of your baby is what sperm fertilizes the egg. Is it a sperm that carries the Y or the X? And there is unfortunately no sexual position that can predict which sperm with fertilize the egg.
  4. You can’t get pregnant if you have sex standing up: This goes hand in hand with the first myth that I talked about. Remember, sperm will find a way. If there’s penetration, insertion, and the release of ejaculation inside the female genital tract, a baby can happen.
  5. If you have PCOS, you can’t get pregnant, or essentially, you’re infertile: This one is my biggest pet peeve! I feel very passionate about PCOS and proper education and proper treatment for PCOS because there’s so much misinformation out there on the internet. I see so many patients with a diagnosis of PCOS who come and see me in the office who are then crying in front of me because their previous doctor told them that because of their PCOS, they will never be able to have a baby. No one should ever be telling you that you cannot have a baby, so please always get a second opinion. Can PCOS make it more challenging, absolutely. But, that is why it is important to meet with a professional that will help guide you, explore options, and create a plan that makes sense.
  6. If you’ve had one C-section, that means that you will forever need to have a C-section: Now, this one isn’t necessarily true, but it can depend on a few different factors. The main one being the incision type. If you have had a classical C-section or a vertical C-section, meaning the incision on your uterus is vertical, oftentimes that means that we don’t recommend you to have a vaginal delivery because the risk of uterine rupture is so high. But if you had a horizontal or a low transverse incision on the uterus, you may be a candidate for a trial of labor after a C-section or a Tollac. What’s really important here is to ask your doctor to do your C-section, Hey, for my next pregnancy, will I be able to have a vaginal delivery? Do you think that’s a good idea? Have that conversation because your surgeon, your doctor who did your C-section is going to offer you the best advice and best recommendation because they were the ones doing the surgery.
  7. The heart rate of your fetus or your baby is going to determine the sex of the baby: This one is definitely an old wives tale! How fast it beats has no correlation to the sex or the gender of the baby.
  8. You can balance your hormones with drinking a smoothie: This is one I see all over social media. I promise you that any blog or ad you see about a magical little packet of greens that can balance your hormones is sadly a scam.
  9. If you have sex during pregnancy, your baby can feel everything: This one is so funny to me! But, you’d be surprised how many partners are actually scared to have sex with their wives or their partners during pregnancy because they’re scared that they’re going to hurt the baby or poke the baby in some way. It’s just not true and don’t worry the baby is very well protected with the uterus, amniotic sac, and cervix.
  10. You can’t get pregnant if you have sex while on your period: This is actually a tough one because it is very, very rare for you to get pregnant if you have sex while you’re on your period, but it’s still possible. People who are on birth control are still protected, but people who aren’t have to be careful.

To watch my full video on YouTube, where I talk more in-depth about each one, click the link below!
