We recently took Nellie on her first plane ride and through the travel experience, I learned a LOT. Traveling with a baby is a wholeeeeee new feat but luckily with a little prep, it wasn’t too bad. The key is to make sure you have everything you need for traveling to make your time and your baby’s time more enjoyable. I put together everything I learned and my top tips from our travel experience to help my other mamas out if you’re headed on a trip of your own. You got this!!
Have a Crib Ready
If you’re staying in a hotel make sure you request a crib in your reservation. Honestly, I would just call the hotel and make sure they have a crib available. Our first hotel didn’t so we had to cancel that reservation and find another hotel last minute! It’s already stressful to travel so you want to avoid unnecessary added stressors!
Do Feedings in Advance
Breastfeed or bottle-feed your baby during take-off and landing. This is what we did and it worked so well! Baby girl did amazing and didn’t cry while on the airplane!
Bring the Boppy Pillow
I almost didn’t bring it because yes, it’s annoying to travel with but this was a life changer! It allowed her to be very comfortable sleeping and breastfeeding on the airplane, but it also helped her sit up with her in the hotel room! Shop it here!
Show Yourself Grace
At the end of the day, they are BABIES. So if they cry and aren’t inconsolable this isn’t your fault. They can’t control their emotions so please don’t let what other people might say or do bother you. You’re doing GREAT!
Bring a Bottle Warmer
I didn’t bring a bottle warmer on our trip and wish I had. Our baby is very picky and loves her milk very warm!! I wish I had packed one of these for on-the-go!
Bring a Carry On
Babies get a carry on so make sure it’s a good one! I LOVED our Beis ultimate diaper backpack, it has an entire changing table in it! This was so clutch while traveling. I was able to fit all of her items in here!
Distractions Are Key
A small toy to use as a distraction on the plane is a must. My baby is 3 months old so she doesn’t really require “toys” but these little rattlers etc are fun and do help distract!
A Few More Products I Used…
- Diaper throw-away bags: these make me laugh because they remind me of dog poop bags but trust me, you want to have these bags when you’re changing a big poopy diaper in public!
- Breast pump wipes: If you’re pumping (like I did occasionally throughout my trip) you’ll want to bring these breast pump wipes for on-the-go. I’ve been using these for months and LOVE them!
More Quick Tips
- I didn’t use the Tylenol, but packed it just in case! It’s better to be prepared in my opinion.
- Bring backups of their favorite pacifiers, you will lose one!
- Hand sanitizer, this one by the Honest company sells amazing!!
- Wipe down everything on the airplane.
- Buy the pacifier wipes, these things fall or pick up little fuzzies. You’ll use the heck out of these!
- Bring an extra outfit on the carry-on, I think the zipper sleepers are so easy so that’s what I packed for her.
- Burp cloths. All the burp cloths.
- Ubbi changing mat for use at the hotel and on the go! This is a must!
- Diapers, bottles, and baby wipes go without saying!
- Diaper rash cream with the spatula makes the whole process less messy!
Everything I Use and Love
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