How to Pick a Provider for Your Pregnancy

So you just found out you’re pregnant… how do you pick a provider? 

I know you all find pregnancy content helpful so we’re talking how to pick a provider in today’s post! I’m detailing the different options you have so you can decide which provider is right for you throughout your pregnancy journey.


An OBGYN (like me!)

An OBGYN is a well-trained physician capable to handle every single medical aspect of pregnancy, labor, delivery, and the postpartum period. We can also take care of you outside of pregnancy, do your Pap smear, birth control, and do surgeries (like a hysterectomy, etc). Make sure you find someone you feel comfortable with and click with!

Family physician

These are physicians who have trained in primary care, maternal care, and pediatric care. So they’re able to take care of the whole family! If your pregnancy becomes high risk they might consult and work together with an OBGYN to care for your pregnancy and delivery.

Certified Nurse Midwives

These are nurses who have chosen to specialize in the care of women’s health. They train to become a skilled practitioner and they practice evidence-based medicine. They are trained to care of low-risk pregnancies and deliver uncomplicated vaginal births. Typically CNMs take extra time with you during prenatal visits and provide comprehensive emotional support during pregnancy, delivery, postpartum, breastfeeding, etc. Again, if your pregnancy becomes high risk they may work together with an OBGYN. I work closely with 3 CNMs and I love them!
