Is Marijuana Use During Pregnancy Safe?

This has been one of my most highly requested topics, especially over on Tiktok, so I’m here to tackle it! Is Marijuana use during pregnancy safe? Now, before you start to panic or feel judged, let’s get one thing straight I’m not here to shame or scare you. In fact, I’m all about keeping things fun and informative. So, let’s dive in and talk about it.

Background on Marijuana vs. regular Marijuana

Marijuana itself is not recommended by the FDA for the treatment of any medical condition. However, there are medications that are approved that contain THC. The THC in those medications is in controlled doses and not prescribed for the “high” effect.

What is the research showing for Pregnancy and Marijuana?

When you smoke or consume Marijuana, chemicals do cross the placenta and affect the fetus. Research is limited, but there are known risk factors which include fetal growth restriction, stillbirth, and other conditions that can affect the mother. Stillbirth is one of the most traumatizing situations that can happen and I don’t take this lightly. So I want to be transparent and say out of all of the studies done, we don’t know if the rise in stillbirths is 100% due to Marijuana use because many of the women using Marijuana were also using other substances like smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol which have a known cause of stillbirths.

There have also been studies that show children who were born from mothers who smoked during their pregnancy have a stronger chance of developing behavioral issues.

Can Marijuana help with nausea and vomiting caused by pregnancy?

There have been no studies that show there is a benefit. Therefore, I, as a Board Certified OBGYN, cannot recommend Marijuana to help with these symptoms. This includes medical Marijuana that is prescribed by a physician.

We actually recommend if you are trying to conceive that, you stop the use of Marijuana for you and your partner. We know that for males who smoke or consume Marijuana regularly, it can start to affect their sperm.

Can you smoke while breastfeeding?

There is barely any research on this topic. So because there is not enough information The American College of OBGYN’s does not recommend the use of Marijuana while breastfeeding.

Watch my Youtube Video for more information!
