3 Simple Tips for Maintaining Work-Life Balance

I think most of us can relate when I say there are times when my job is super enjoyable, and there are times when it’s extremely busy and can get pretty stressful. Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do, but I know for a lot of people work can definitely get overwhelming from time to time. Of course, this ebbs and flows, but after a few years of me being in my field, I’ve had to learn how to find a good balance between work and personal time. I’ve learned that the key to preventing burnout is by really prioritizing my mental health, and for me, that’s by making sure I have a healthy work-life balance! For today’s post, I’ll be sharing 3 ways I maintain my work-life balance and how you can integrate them into your life if you need to find some separation from work. 

#1: Set Boundaries

We’ve all heard it before, but it’s so important to set boundaries at work. This means with your employer, co-workers, and with yourself! Setting boundaries draw a hard line between what you’re comfortable with and not comfortable with. Of course, these can vary depending on what kind of job you have but are important nonetheless. With your employer or co-workers, try and set these boundaries from the get-go so they know where you stand from the very beginning. With yourself, identify your own personal boundaries and stick to them. It’s easy to let things go when you’re holding yourself accountable to lines that you’ve drawn for yourself, but try to maintain them. For example, if a boundary for you is to not do work on your personal days/time off, don’t let that slide! Discover your boundaries and prioritize them. 

#2: Accept That You Can’t Do it All

Of course, while at work we want to do our job to the best of our ability. Being a hard worker is such an admirable quality that should be praised! But it’s also important to remember that we’re only human, and we can’t do it all. There are definitely times when work can get crazy and we have to grind a little bit, but doing this too much can lead to burnout. When you step away, leave work at work! Enjoy your time off, and remember that things can wait until Monday. For me, I know my schedule can be a little unconventional, but when I do have days off I definitely prioritize my personal time!

#3: Find & Do Something You Love 

When you do have personal time, make sure you’re filling it with things you love! I think sometimes when days off do roll around, we feel like we need to be productive or check off a to-do list with things we need to get done. Don’t get me wrong, I know chores have to happen, but also make sure you’re taking time for yourself. Try a new workout class, see friends, explore a new area, or try a restaurant you’ve been wanting to go to. Even lounging around on the couch for a relaxing movie day doing nothing is so crucial! Find something (or a few things) you love to do and make time for them on your days off. When it’s time to head back to work, you’ll feel more fulfilled and energized from doing things that fill your cup. 

There’s no magic formula to finding the perfect work-life balance, but it’s so important to find what works for you, girl!! We’re all different and things that work for someone else might not work for you, so prioritize finding that balance for yourself, it’s so important. Let me know how you find work-life balance or any special activities you enjoy in the comments below!
