5 Things I’ve Learned as a New Mom

It’s so crazy to think I have been a mom for 4 months now! As an OBGYN, you’d think I would have been fully prepared to be a mom, but there are SO many new things I have learned along the way that my job would have never prepared me for. Being a mother is such a beautiful thing, so I thought I would share the top 5 things I have learned as a new mom in today’s post. If you’re a soon-to-be mama or already a mama now, I’m sure you can relate to some of these! I would love to hear what you’ve learned through your own experiences in the comments, too, there’s always more to learn and I know I’m just getting started! Now let’s jump in…

1. Show Yourself Grace

It’s so easy to get down on yourself or feel like you’re not doing a perfect job, but that’s just reality! It’s never going to be perfect! Don’t forget to show yourself some grace. We truly are all doing the best we can! 

2. Don’t Compare Yourself

What your baby is doing and what you are doing is very different from what your mom did, what your sister did, and what your best friend is doing—and that’s okay!! There is no point in comparison because we’re all at different points in our lives and like I said above—we’re all trying our best. If you find yourself comparing your parenting to others on social media it’s okay to unfollow some accounts (I know I had to!). Think of what’s best for you and your mental health! 

3. Fed is BEST

I’ve always talked about this (even before I had my baby), but even then in the first 2 weeks postpartum I felt terrible shame around the fact that I was giving my baby formula. She was premature and needed all the help she could get and from an OBGYN standpoint I knew formula was great, but I still felt that guilt and shame. Then I took a minute and realized just how crazy and silly I was being by letting some trolls on the internet affect me and my life! So however you choose to feed your baby remember, it does not matter! What matters is that your baby is eating and growing. ☺ 

4. It Takes a Village

It’s okay to ask for help. I needed so much help from my family (my sister pretty much kept Cory and me fed the first 2 weeks postpartum!) and my friends set up a meal train for us. It was truly amazing. Also, you form a new bond with your mom friends. It’s like you finally “get it”. And I so wish I could go back in time and provide for them just like they did for me. 

5. Cherish Every Moment

Take all the pictures. Start the baby books. It all goes by so, so fast. I can’t believe I have a 4 month old!! Where is the time going?! It truly feels like it’s flying!! Soak up every second and don’t stress on the small things that don’t matter!


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